Designated Safeguarding Staff
At Kedington Primary Academy the safeguarding of our pupils is of paramount importance. Our process and protocols for safeguarding children ensure that we meet the expectations outlined by the Department for Education in their ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ document that you can access further down the page.
In our school we establish and maintain an ethos where our pupils feel secure, are encouraged to talk and are listened to. Children at our school will be able to talk freely to any member of staff or regular visitor to our school if they are worried or concerned about something.
All staff and regular visitors will, either through training or induction, know how to recognise a disclosure from a child or will know how to manage this. We will not make promises to any child and we will not keep secrets. Every child will know what their chosen adult will have to do with whatever they have been told.
We will do this by endeavouring to work in partnership with other agencies and seek to establish effective working relationships with parents, carers and other colleagues to develop and provide activities and opportunities throughout our curriculum that will help to equip our children with the skills they need. This will include materials and learning experiences that will encourage our children to develop essential life skills and protective behaviours. As part of our ongoing Safeguarding work our staff are trained around the Prevent Strategy to prevent pupils from being radicalised. Our policies and procedures outline the ways in which we maintain a culture of vigilance to protect from radicalisation.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) has lead responsibility for dealing with all safeguarding issues at our school.
Name | Safeguarding Role |
Mrs Hayley Ahlquist | Head of School Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) |
Mrs Vicky Doherty | Alternate DSL Designated Teacher for looked-after and previously looked-after children Online Safety Lead |
Mrs Karen Beard | Alternate DSL |
Kat Umande | Safeguarding Governor |
One of our Safeguarding Leads is always available to discuss safeguarding concerns.
However, if you feel that a child is in immediate danger you can call Customer First on 0808 800 4005 (free from landlines and most mobiles).
All members of staff are DBS checked and have Level 1 Safeguarding training, whilst the Designated Safeguarding Lead has Level 3 Safeguarding training. The Governing Body are also DBS checked and have completed their Safeguarding training.
Please read our Child Protection Procedures which is available from our Attachments section on this page.
Working in partnership
There are occasions when our concern about a child means that we have to consult other agencies. Whilst we would always aim to work in partnership with parents there may be exceptions to this when concerns are raised for the protection of a child.
Information & Resources
In addition to our Child Protection Procedures available in the attachments section the following documents and websites have a variety of information which you may also find helpful, please note that they will open in a new tab on your browser: